Kia, an 8 year old Border Collie was first brought into the surgery by her owner, as she was vomiting and pyrexic. She was admitted for intravenous fluid therapy, internal blood tests and for any medication required. Abdominal radiographs were taken to see if there was an obstruction which was causing the vomiting. This showed no obstructions or foreign bodies. Kia was given pain relief and was slowly re-introduced back to food once she hadn’t vomited for 24 hours. After 48 hours of not vomiting, Kia had improved and was sent home.
Unfortunately Kia was re-admitted to the hospital, after she started to vomit again and was placed back on intravenous fluids with symptomatic medication. Abdominal x-rays were re-taken but this time showed signs of a possible foreign body in the caudal abdomen. It was decided to perform a exploratory laporotomy (surgical procedure into the abdomen), to find the foreign body.
On exploration there was no foreign body present but samples were taken from different sections of the gastro-intestinal tract to send to an external laboratory. Kia was very subdued after her operation and was coughing due to the irritation causing by the endotracheal tube (this is used to maintain their airways during surgery).
The results from the samples showed inflammation in the gastro-intestinal tract and she was started on steroids to reduce this. Kia started to improve; she hadn’t vomited for three days and was much happier so was sent home.
Three days later Kia’s owners brought her back to the surgery as she was still vomiting, she was admitted for a barium radiographic study. This is when a radioopaque substance is administered, showing up any irregularities in the gastro-intestinal tract on an x-ray. This showed that she had a megaoesophagus, this is when the muscle in the oesophagus that moves the food down to the stomach is not functioning and causes the oesophagus to dilate. This is easily managed by feeding a small amount of food often and from a height. After a difficult start Kia started to improve and her owners made her a special chair to sit in during eating (see picture).
Even though Kia’s diagnosis was complicated, she was brave throughout every procedure and was so loving towards all members of staff. Kia was always strong and patient, this is why we feel she truly deserves this bravery award.
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